• femme-architecture

    femme-architecture (series)
    2008 (in progress)

    Ink on paper, ink on vellum
  • femme-architecture

    femme-architecture (series)
    2008 (in progress)

    Ink on paper, ink on vellum
  • femme-architecture

    femme-architecture (series)
    2008 (in progress)

    Ink on paper, ink on vellum
  • femme-architecture

    femme-architecture (series)
    2008 (in progress)

    Ink on paper, ink on vellum
  • femme-architecture

    femme-architecture (series)
    2008 (in progress)

    Ink on paper, ink on vellum
  • Femme-architecture is an homage and a response to artist Louise Bourgeois, who in the 1940s created a powerful and enigmatic series of drawings and paintings depicting women’s relationship with the ‘home’. Femme-Maison, Bourgeois’ series, explores the complicated and often painful association of women with domesticity. At the same time, however, the series exceeds and complicates this relation by virtue of the fact that Bourgeois herself created these images in her role as an artist – a role traditionally beyond the reach of women. Femme-architecture is a nod to the implicit challenge of Bourgeois’ series: to rethink and critically depict the ways that women contend with, struggle against, and personally fashion the spaces that they occupy. Beyond the frame of the house, beyond the question of domesticity, what are the roles that women take up in (the creation of) space, cities, architecture? Simple line drawings – the treasured medium of architectural ideas and expression – offer meditations on these questions in an ongoing series of ink-on-paper and ink-on-vellum works.